How much will my catheter supplies cost?
Costs vary depending on what insurance plan you’re on, your insurance coverage, your deductible, and the number of products you need. Please get in touch with us so we can learn more about your specific insurance plan and give you a personalized cost estimate.
What types of catheters are covered by insurance?
This will vary depending on the type of insurance you have. Generally speaking, Medicare beneficiaries are allowed up to 200 intermittent catheters and/or 35 external catheters with 2 day or night bags per month. That being said, exceptions can be made depending on your needs and/or your doctor’s recommendations. Please give us a call so we can provide you with more accurate information.
How many catheters will my insurance cover?
Coverage varies depending on your insurance. That being said, most insurances follow Medicare guidelines which allow for up to 200 intermittent catheters per month and/or 35 external catheters with 2 night bags per month. If you’d like more specifics as to what your specific insurance will cover, please give us a call.
Are intermittent catheters covered by Medicare?
Yes! Intermittent catheters are covered by Medicare when proven medically necessary and when the appropriate documentation is in order (such as a prescription and applicable medical records). Medicare typically covers 80% of the cost of catheters once you have met your deductible.
How much will my ostomy supplies cost?
It really does depend on what insurance plan you're on and your coverage. It also depends on what products you're using so you know if you're using a lot of products, there's a chance that your cost might be higher if you don't have secondary insurance, but the important thing is that we help you maximize the products that you need to use so that you're not over-utilizing products and potentially incurring higher costs. As a result of that.
What types of ostomy supplies are covered by insurance?
Again, this is depending on the type of insurance you have and the types of bags you like so. Sometimes you'll get 20 bags per month if it's a two-piece and other times 40 per month if it's a one-piece system. But again, I don't want to put hard rules on that because there are so many different options for products that you can get. And it's important to find out what you like and maximize that so that you're not over utilizing.
Are ostomy supplies covered by Medicare?
Yes, they are covered by Medicare when proven medically necessary, and when the appropriate documentation is in order, the same as the catheters meaning prescription and applicable medical records that indicate that you have an ostomy. Again, same rules, a percent of cost once you've met your deductible and if you have a secondary depending on the secondary, it might take on the other 20%. Typically you know as with ostomies there of course medically necessary it's not something that you can live without you need the ostomy pouch and system so. Yeah. Um, so yeah why aren't products listed online, again, it's really based on what you want, we're always off happy to give you. We work with all the leading manufacturers so getting the right product that you need is not hard. We can certainly do that. The price you pay is entirely dependent on what products you use and what products are right for you.